Full project name: Electroniques Hautes Densités par Intégration de Composants Standards dans les circuits imprimés (High density electronics by integration of standard components in printed boards)
Project acronym: EHDICOS

The Ehdicos project is a 3D approach to electronic interconnection to meet higher density requirements.
The objective of this project is to demonstrate the possibility of integrating standard and tested components into the multilayer structures of printed circuits, which remain the most widespread and economical electronic connection element. This is a "More than Moore" approach already initiated in consumer applications.

The principle is to embed into the multilayer structure: already encapsulated components (commercially available and tested) and made-to-order components (individually tested) while carrying out an intermediate assembly of the bare chips on an organic interposer and protecting this sub-assembly by an encapsulation allowing them to be handled in a standard atmosphere.
Integrating the already encapsulated components does not require any modification (no additional metal plating). The printed circuit board will be less dense than the bare chip approach but the feasibility and flexibility obtained will be guaranteed.

For more information, please contact us