Full project name: ConceptIon et réalisation de coMPosants hyperfréquences en mAtière plastique aveC métallisation Totale ou sélective en 3D (Design and implementation of microwave components in plastic material with total or selective 3D metal plating)
Project acronym: IMPACT

Le projet RAPID IMPACT répond aux problématiques technologiques des circuits imprimés en développant deux
The RAPID IMPACT project addresses the technological issues of printed circuit boards by developing two metal plating techniques. The first is a full field technique adapted to the production of high-quality volumetric microwave components. This solution competes in terms of price and weight with mechanical components produced by conventional machining while maintaining equivalent electrical performance. The second technique is the production of 3D microwave components with selective metal plating. These alternative solutions, adapted to microwave components, compete with conventional solutions made on 2D planar substrates (PCB, alumina, etc.) and aim to facilitate and improve the 3D integration of RF components in systems.

This project mainly concerns the development of microwave devices made from 3D plastic parts that have been fully or selectively metal-plated, with the aim of industrialising these parts in small and medium productions runs.
The scientific objectives are to:
- Optimise the electrical performance of microwave devices using additive and casting technology with full metal plating.
- Optimise the electrical performance of microwave devices using additive and casting technologies with selective metal plating.
- Control the design process to integrate interconnection and packaging issues from the start.
- From 3D design to metal plating.

3D printing brings new degrees of freedom compared to conventional manufacturing technologies. It is thus possible to produce more compact, lighter, and low-cost objects with 3D technologies in order to meet global challenges.
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